Travel from Boulder City to Caliente, NV

We drove our coach 181 miles, four hours, from Lake Mead, Boulder City, Nevada to Caliente, Nevada.

Here’s the map, heading north:

Map route

Decorations in Boulder City:

Decorations in Boulder City

More freeway decorations:

Freeway decorations

Paladin was contented in his safe space:

Paladin in his safe space

A trike:


Las Vegas in the distance:

Las Vegas

Overpass art:

Overpass art

Wall art:

Wall art

Passing by Las Vegas:

Las Vegas



Overpass art:

Overpass art

We stopped at Love’s for fuel:


We were interested to see that this Love’s has RV and boat storage:

Love's RV and boat storage

Fuel time:


Spendy for less than half a tank:

Fuel pump

I used my laptop while traveling:

Using laptop



A lake:


Curvy road:

Curvy road

Interesting rocks:

Interesting rocks

A long straight road, heading for the hills:

Long straight road

A bunch of Joshua trees:

Joshua trees

Downgrade sign:

Downgrade sign

The exaust heat warning light came on, with all the hill climbing; went off again shortly thereafter:

Exaust heat warning

Rocks and curves:

Rocks and curves

Rocks and curves

Our destination:

Our destination