We visited Capitol Reef National Park in Utah. It is a long skinny park, encompassing the Waterpocket Fold, “a geologic wrinkle on earth” (quoting from the NPS site; really should be “in earth”).
Here’s a map; click it to explore the NPS map:
Capitol Reef signs:
Lots of interesting rocks:
Visitor center:
Jenn talking with someone else at the cancellation stamping station:
A large wall-mounted map:
We stopped by Gifford House, a historic Mormon homestead, which now contains a gift and pie shop:
We bought a couple of fruit pies as a snack:
We also got a jam sampler:
Back on the scenic drive in the park:
Our drive led to the trailhead for a hike though a canyon, and on impulse we decided to do it (which was a bit silly, as we weren’t properly dressed for it, but oh well):
Some names from 1911, halfway up a wall:
A painter:
The “pioneer register” rock etchings from the 1880’s:
A security camera to make sure nobody adds more markings (probably battery powered, recording for later review; or maybe a dummy):
Back in the truck:
Blowing dust:
A nice park. Stay tuned for more posts from here from subsequent days.