The window next to the passenger seat in our coach got stuck, as the left-side latch pin stopped working. So I ordered a replacement latch for it. Here’s the window:
The first step in replacing it was to remove the handle, attached by a couple of screws underneath:
This is the latch knob exposed underneath:
Removing the plastic cover (that just snaps off), you can see latch pins that hold the window closed and in various open positions on either side of the window; they are connected to the knob by a lightweight bit of plastic:
A closer look at the left latch pin:
Closer still, you can see the broken connection; that tiny bit of plastic coming out of the latch should be connected to the slightly wider bit of plastic leading to the knob:
I bought a couple of replacement latch pins from Tiffin (so I’d have a spare in case another window latch breaks in the future):
I removed the broken latch:
A new one on top, compared to the broken one on bottom:
The replaced latch:
Both latch pins and the knob:
I then replaced the cover and handle, and all finished: