Travel from Buxton to Welches, Oregon

We drove our coach 79 miles, about 2 hours of driving, from Buxton, Oregon to Welches, Oregon, with a detour to Todd’s Auto & RV Service in Portland.

The map route for the first leg, heading east:

Map route 1

And the route for the second leg, also heading east:

Map route 2

Leaving Buxton:

Leaving Buxton

Paladin on the steps:

Paladin on the steps

Sunset highway:

Sunset highway

The freeway tunnel:



Downtown Portland:


Freeway bridge




Todd installed our tow system last year, but recently the light on the dash that confirmed the brake was being applied in our toad stopped working. Fortunately, we had to pass near Todd’s shop when heading through Portland, so we arranged to stop by there so he could investigate (supervised by Paladin):

Todd fixing indicator light

The issue turned out (as we suspected) to be a bad indictator light; he was able to swap it out for a good one; this light comes on when the truck’s braking system is activated, due to the coach brake being applied. It’s a useful confirmation that the truck is actively braking with the coach:

Brake indictator light

We then continued on, passing through Gresham:


MAX light rail stop:

MAX stop

Paladin asleep in his safe space:


Through Sandy; here’s their “trolly” bus:

Sandy trolly

Downtown Sandy:

Downtown Sandy

Downtown Sandy

Sandy used to be our local town (well, Estacada was closer, but smaller; we preferred to shop in Sandy). Mt Hood Pet Resort is where we took our dog for daycare and boarding:

Mt Hood Pet Resort

Speaking of Mount Hood, a view from the highway:

Mount Hood

And our destination, Mt Hood Village RV Resort:

Mt Hood Village

Mt Hood Village