White Sands National Park

While in Las Cruces, we visited the nearby White Sands National Park.

This park features the world’s largest gypsum dunefield. Until December 2019 it was a National Monument, and many of the signs have yet to be updated:

White Sands sign

White Sands visitor center:

White Sands visitor center

White Sands visitor center

White Sands visitor center

White Sands visitor center

In addition to the park service visitor center shop, there is a commercial gift shop onsite:

Gift shop

We do enjoy the cactus candy:

Gift shop

They have disc-shaped sand sleds for sale (and can buy back); we thought about it, but decided not to bother:

Sand sleds

Jenn does enjoy her pressed pennies:

Pressed pennies

A flowering shrub out front was covered in butterflies, moths, and bees:

Butterfly and flowers

The entrance station:

Entrance station

The road between sand dunes:


Sand dunes

About halfway the pavement ends, so one is driving on compressed sand:

Driving on sand

Sand dunes

They have several picnic areas, with lots of shelters:

Picnic shelters

We parked at one, for a picnic lunch; the shelter didn’t do much to block the strong wind, though:

Parked at a picnic shelter

A selfie:


We climbed the dune behind the shelter:

Picnic shelters

Picnic shelters

Shiny gypsum sand; a nice property of it is that it doesn’t get hot:

Shiny sand

Sand dunes in all directions:







Other people sledding by the picnic area:





We then went to a boardwalk in an area with more foliage:



Boardwalk views

Boardwalk views

Boardwalk views

Boardwalk views

Boardwalk views

Boardwalk views

An interesting park, somewhat different than the sand dunes of Great Sand Dunes National Park, but fascinating in its own way.