Travel from Orange to San Diego, California

We drove our coach 99 miles, about two hours of driving, from Orange (Los Angeles), California to San Diego, California.

Here’s the map route, heading south:


An interactive map, showing our stops and potential stops:

Leaving the RV park; Jenn drove our coach around the block to the check-in area so we could toad up:

Leaving the RV park

Leaving the RV park

Honda Center:

Honda Center

Paladin on the steps; this has become one of his favorite places for travel days, so I’m happy to leave the step cover open for him:

Paladin in the steps

Bright green hills:

Bright green hills

I-5 freeway traffic:

I-5 freeway traffic

I-5 freeway traffic

The Pacific Ocean and yellow flowers:

Ocean and yellow flowers

A stop at a rest area to kill some time (since it was a relatively short drive) and have lunch:

Rest area

Annoyingly, the truck parking was overrun with cars:

Cars parked in truck parking

Back to heavy I-5 freeway traffic:

I-5 freeway traffic

Heading to Chula Vista:

Heading to Chula Vista

Checking in:

Checking in

We had a back-in site, so I untoaded while Jenn checked in, then followed the coach to the site:

Following coach

Our site before parking:

Our site before parking