We drove our coach 270 miles, over four hours of very scenic driving, from Alpine, Wyoming to Yellowstone, Wyoming.
Here’s the map route, heading north:
An interactive map, with potential stops; we only actually stopped at Flagg Ranch:
Leaving our site:
Leaving the RV park:
Snake River:
Interesting rocks:
HQ of the rafting company we patronized:
Entering Grand Teton National Park:
Paladin in his safe space:
For some reason, the entrance station for Grand Teton National Park is nowhere near the entrance:
The built-in GPS in our coach claimed that no RVs were allowed (and the wrong speed limit); bad data:
We stopped at Flagg Ranch for lunch, since it had a huge mostly empty parking lot:
Paladin on upturned dining chairs:
Entering Yellowstone National Park (with people taking selfies in front of the sign, thanks for that):
The Yellowstone south entrance station:
Lewis River:
Continental Divide:
West Thumb of Lake Yellowstone:
Fishing Bridge over Yellowstone River:
Yellowstone General Store:
Checking in to Fishing Bridge RV Park:
Arriving at our site for the next two weeks:
Such a scenic drive!