Travel from Spearfish to Badlands, South Dakota

We drove our coach 127 miles, about 2 hours of driving, from Spearfish, South Dakota to Badlands, South Dakota.

Here’s the map route, heading southeast:


An interactive map:

Leaving our site, in a cloud of dust from the gravel:

Leaving our site

Leaving the campground:

Leaving the campground

Heading east on I-90:


Rapid City exit:

Rapid City exit

A fuel stop at Flying J; we don’t get a discount there, and have to go in to pay, but it was more convenient to our route:

Fuel stop

Almost 82 gallons of diesel, a bit over half a tank:

81 gallons of diesel

We parked our coach, with the generator running so the ACs would keep it cool, and went in to have lunch:


At the Country Market restaurant in the Flying J:




Breakfast for lunch; a little underdone:, but tasty enough:

Breakfast for lunch

We had a choice between continuing on I-90, or going on SD-44; we opted for the highway, since we generally prefer them to freeways:


A sea of sad sunflowers, done blooming and going to seed:

Sad sunflowers

Entering Badlands National Park:

Entering Badlands National Park

Badland National Park

Badland National Park

Roadworks; driving on gravel isn’t particularly enjoyable in our coach, so we kinda regretted our choice to come this way (we knew that there was roadworks, but didn’t expect a lack of paving):



A prairie dog town (one visible by the fence):

Prairie dog town

An old cabin and pond:

Old cabin and pond

Badland National Park

Badland National Park

Interior, SD, population 94:

Interior, SD

Badland National Park

Badland National Park

White River:

White River

Our destination:

Our destination

Guided to our site:

Guided to our site

On his recommendation, we untoaded (unhooked our truck from our coach) before reaching the site, then followed separately:

Following coach

Parking in our site:

Parking in our site