Tiffin parts store

While at 1st Class Glass I wandered across the road to the Bob Tiffin Service Center, where new owners of Tiffin motorhomes can get servicing done. (We are not eligible, since our coach is a 2017 model; we use third-party vendors instead.)

Bob Tiffin Service Center

Bob Tiffin Service Center

I wanted to visit the parts store to pick up some items. It’s a huge area; I wasn’t sure where to go (and they don’t have great signage). I stopped by the Tiffin Allegro Club office, and they pointed me in the right direction:

Bob Tiffin Service Center

Bob Tiffin Service Center

The service center customer entrance is hidden halfway down this building:

Bob Tiffin Service Center

Bob Tiffin Service Center

Inside, they directed me to the customer parts area, though I had to ask again to find it. It’s a small caged area with a few parts on display, and a counter where one can ask for other parts:

Parts shop

Parts shop

Apparently it used to be much nicer, where people could browse the shelves for parts; now you have to request them. I could find all sorts of goodies if I could explore, but alas, this area beyond the gate is off limits:

Parts shop

Just a few items available within the cage:

Parts shop

Parts shop

Parts shop

Stay tuned for one bonus find, though, coming on tomorrow’s Tweak Thursday.