ENGWE Y600 830W electric scooter

We bought electric bikes a couple of years ago, which we mostly enjoyed, but Jenn didn’t find her one very comfortable, so in due course we sold it, with the idea of replacing it with a trike or something.

A while back we had the idea to try an electric scooter instead, as a more compact alternative.

After some research, we decided to buy a ENGWE Y600 830W electric scooter (see that link for the price and stats).

One reason we chose this model is that it comes with a seat, but it can be removed and replaced with a foot guard, if you always want to stand while riding. We wanted both options; it’s easy to both stand and sit while riding.

Here are some photos of unboxing it:




The assembled scooter:



It folds up fairly small, with the seat and handlebars folding down:


And easily fits in the back of our truck:



Charging port:

Charging port

Fold down seat post latch:

Fold down seat

Fold down handlebars lever and lock:

Fold down handlebars lever and lock

Brake, head and tail light switch, turn signals, horn:

Brake, head and tail light switch, turn signals, horn

Display with gear, speed, odometer (or other values), and battery level, plus power and mode buttons and throttle lever; a second display with the battery voltage and key:

Display with gear, speed, odometer (or other displays, and battery level, and lever to accellerate; a second display with the battery voltage and key

For now we have kept my ebike, and have the scooter as a second option. So either we each ride one, or I can quickly get the scooter out when exploring the campground or taking out the trash, etc. The scooter isn’t as useful as the bike, since it doesn’t have any cargo capacity (like a trash bag or when picking up packages), and doesn’t have any exercise benefits, but being more compact and easy to set up are big benefits.

In due course we’ll decide whether to keep my bike and buy a trike for Jenn, or sell my bike and get a second scooter, or just keep both options, or some other variation.