Joshua Tree National Park: Wonderland Ranch & Wall Street Mill

On another visit to Joshua Tree National Park, we hiked to Wonderland Ranch and Wall Street Mill.

An interactive map of our route, going in the north entrance for a change, then to Wall Street Mill, and a picnic dinner on Keys Ranch Road, and finally back out the main west entrance:

An interactive map of the hike; zoom in to see more details:

North entrance sign:

Entrance sign

Wall Street Mill Trail:

Wall Street Mill Trail

Wall Street Mill Trail

Wonderland Ranch ruins:

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins

Wonderland Ranch ruins



“Here is where Worth Bagly bit the dust at the hands of W.F. Keys, May 11 1943″:

Bit the dust

Truck ruins:

Truck ruins

Wall Street Mill ruins:

Wall Street Mill ruins

Wall Street Mill ruins

Wall Street Mill ruins

Wall Street Mill ruins

Truck ruins

Wall Street Mill info

Wall Street Mill ruins

After the hike, we had a picnic dinner along Keys Ranch Road:

Picnic dinner


