We visited Magic Kingdom again, during regular hours (and on Valentine’s Day).
Train station and train:
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure:
Ferry to Tom Sawyer Island; a generally boring area, but we had to visit it, as it will be going away soon, to be replaced with a Cars-themed land:
The river and riverboat will also be going away, unfortunately:
Pirates of the Caribbean ride:
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ride:
It’s a Small World ride:
The traditional picture of the massive New Zealand representation:
Tron Lightcycle Run ride:
Carousel of Progress ride:
A new activity is making a custom tiara from a selection of frame styles and crystal colors, which Jenn did:
Jenn with her new tiara:
Haunted Mansion ride:
No one poses like Gaston:
We had dinner at the Be Our Guest restaurant on Valentine’s Day: