Travel from Texarkana to Paris, Texas

We drove our coach 93 miles, about two hours of driving, from Texarkana, Texas to Paris, Texas.

Here’s a map showing our route, heading west:


An interactive map:

Frontage road to I-30 West:

Frontage road to I-30 West

I-30 West:

I-30 West

Exit 199:

Exit 199

Water tower:

Water tower

Building transport:

Building transport

US Highway 82:

US Highway 82

US Highway 82

US Highway 82

US Highway 82

Water tower

We stopped at a picnic area for lunch:

Picnic area

Picnic area


Water tower

Stillhouse Road exit:

Stillhouse Road exit

Narrow road

Arriving at the Paris fairgrounds for an Escapees/Xscapers gathering for the total solar eclipse:

Escapees gathering at fairgrounds

Heading to our spot:

Heading to our spot