Travel from Orange to Palm Desert, California

We drove our coach 103 miles, about two hours of driving, from Orange, California to Palm Desert, California.

Here’s a map showing our route, heading east; the start of our eastward migration for 2024, heading from California to Florida:


An interactive map:

Leaving the RV park:

Leaving the RV park

Getting on CA-55 North:

Getting on CA-55 North

Marine layer:

Marine layer

Marine layer



Ah I-10, our old friend; one of the worst quality freeways in the country:

I-10 East

Cabazon Dinosaurs (which we visited a couple of years ago):

Cabazon Dinosaurs

Rest area, where we had an early lunch to kill some time, as we were too early for check-in:

Rest area

Paladin on the dash when getting back on the freeway (he jumped down moments later):

Paladin on the dash when getting back on the freeway

Desert Hot Springs and Palm Springs overpass:

Desert Hot Springs and Palm Springs overpass

Our destination, the Thousand Trails Palm Springs entrance:

Thousand Trails Palm Springs entrance

Check in:

Thousand Trails Palm Springs check in

Paladin on the dash going to our site:

Paladin on dash going to our site