People who know us or follow my personal blog will know of our cat, Paladin.
During our stay at Mom’s place while the RV was being serviced, and initial travel, he was boarded at an excellent place in Portland, Cats in the City. They sent daily updates on how he was doing, and how much they loved him and his snuggles.
On Sunday we collected him. They were sad to see him go. He wasn’t overly thrilled about being in the carrier and truck:
While stopped for groceries, I let Paladin loose in the truck:
He wasn’t sure that was much of an improvement at first:
Though settled down by my feet:
I put him back in the carrier before Jenn got back to the truck.
Once we got to our coach, we let him out again. Here’s Paladin under the desk:
Looking for a place to hide:
He hid for a while, as is normal for cats in a new place, but came out before long, and enjoyed the heated tile floor:
We set up a new top-entry litter box, which he seemed to accept:
It didn’t take too long to resume his normal snuggly ways:
We set up his food and water by our table; here he’s eating breakfast with us:
I opened the windows when it got warmer, and Paladin was intrigued by the smellovision:
Paladin looking out an RV window:
We got a new water fountain for him:
We moved it a bit further from the power outlet; water and electricity isn’t an ideal mix:
Paladin seems to have settled in quite quickly; he’s still concerned by some noises in the campground, but seems generally happy.
We planned things so he’d have several days to settle in. Of course, the real challenge will be when we move the coach tomorrow; bringing in the slides and driving down the road. No doubt he’ll freak out about that, but hopefully will get more comfortable with it in time. I’ll post an update on how that goes.