Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.
To mark the occasion, here’s a post out of sequence. We stayed at Galveston Island State Park in Texas in early December (posts coming about that in January). While there, we visited the Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, or Happy Holidays!
To mark the occasion, here’s a post out of sequence. We stayed in New Orleans around Thanksgiving this year, and while there attended the New Orleans City Park’s Celebration in the Oaks holiday lights. The blog posts about New Orleans aren’t scheduled to be published until February (yes, I’m rather behind; we do things faster than I can post about them!). But I figured I could bring this one forward to a more appropriate time.
This holiday celebration has driving and walking options; we did both. Here’s a map of the routes:
We started with the driving portion, where one drives along roads in the park that have holiday light decorations:
A timelapse video from my 360 camera of the drive:
We then parked at the mini golf in the park, and played a round (Jenn won):
Then proceeded to the walking part, wandering around the New Orleans Botanical Garden and environs, with lots of holiday lights:
Jenn reaching for a star:
A cute narrated Cajun Night Before Christmas story, with synchronized lights:
An amusing New Orleans variation of 12 Days of Christmas:
Model trains:
Amusement park rides were also included, but we didn’t participate in any (considered the train, but it was full, and the carousel, but didn’t want to wait):
It is a nice historical carousel, though:
A fun festive evening. Always interesting to see local variations of holiday lights.
An out-of-sequence special post. We don’t do a lot of Christmas decorations in our motorhome, since we have to carry them around all year with our limited storage space, but we do have a string of programable color-changing lights that we put around the ceiling, plus a little Christmas tree:
On a personal level, we enjoy our independence and seeing this vast and diverse country as we drive our home around the states.
Here’s the map of our journey so far, and up until the end of this year — the 2021 Yellowstone trip is in brown, 2021 coach travel in green, 2022 travel in blue, and 2023 travel in purple:
The same map as an animated GIF, adding each year:
Looking forward to exploring the east side of the country over the next couple of years.
We arrived before dark, so there were still some animals awake:
A carousel:
We had some dinner:
Then wandered around some more:
Some holiday lights coming on as the sun set:
A band:
It was a fairly small zoo, not particularly impressive. Notable for opening the first cageless exhibits in the US. Though it looks like much of it hasn’t been updated recently.
Since it’s Christmas Day, I wanted to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. 🎄
We went to SeaWorld in San Antonio to see the holiday lights. One doesn’t really think of the sea in connection with landlocked San Antonio, but there ya go.
We first checked out the sea lions:
Since we happened to be nearby when they were about to start a Sea lion show, we thought we’d check it out:
We sensibly sat outside the splash zone, aka deliberately spraying water jets zone:
So cute:
A very Texan boot tree:
Plastic bottle tree:
Ducks and flamingos:
Again we happened to be nearby when they were about to start a nativity show, as told by animal puppets, with some live animals, so we attended that too (way too loud):
Lights reflecting in the water:
A musical performance:
A Sesame Street Christmas parade:
Then we headed to the Orca Encounter, for a little more animal exploitation… but they were keen to point out how many animals they’d rescued and otherwise helped:
We’ve been taking it easy recently, not doing many interesting things, so I’ve caught up with scheduled blog posts; the next post will be travel to our current location, which I don’t like to publish until after we leave.
So, after doing a new post every day for the past year or so, I’m going to take a break for a week, ostensibly to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday week. See you on Monday the 28th!
Since it’s Christmas Day, I wanted to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. 🎄
We attended some zoo lights in the Palm Springs area earlier this month, but also attended zoo lights at the Phoenix Zoo. Which were quite a bit fancier. Please enjoy some holiday lights with a desert slant: