Clock in bathroom

A very minor modification this time: we added a battery-powered clock on the wall in our bathroom. It is an atomic clock, that can set the time automatically, and has convenient time zone support, useful for us as we travel around the country. Plus it shows the temperature and humidity, useful for the bathroom, and reminds us which day it is, handy when we’re still waking up:


It is attached with Command picture hanging strips, that has two velcro-like pieces that can be pulled apart easily, so I can change the batteries. Nice and convenient.

Power steering fluid leak repair, engine bracket replacements, underside of coach

I need to get better at checking the fluids of our coach.

We heard some weird noises coming from around the front wheels while driving, and couldn’t figure out what was causing it for a while. Since we were heading towards Red Bay at the time, I contacted Bay Diesel and made an appointment for them to investigate.

We eventually guessed that it was related to power steering. When I looked in the power steering reservoir in the engine compartment, it was completely dry:

Empty power steering reservoir


I refilled it with Dexron III (as required) and kept an eye on it; sure enough, the level dropped during drives:

Dexron III

When we arrived at Bay Diesel, they wasted no time lifting up the coach:

Coach on lift

They found and repaired the power steering leak, from a hose under the rig:

Power steering leak

They also inspected the entire underside of the coach, with special attention on the engine, and found cracked clutch and tensioner brackets; common issues with this vintage of coach:

Cracked bracket

Cracked bracket

So they replaced them with better, stronger brackets. Here’s a comparison of old and new brackets:

Old and new brackets

Rebuilding the clutch assembly:

Rebuilding the clutch assembly

They also lubed the various lube points:


A nice thing about Bay Diesel is that they were happy for owners to hang out in the shop. I wandered around under our coach and took lots of photos. Here are a bunch of pictures, starting at the front and working my way backwards:

Front with the generator partially out:

Front with generator partially out

Entry step:

Entry step

Entry step

Entry step

From in front of the front wheels:

From in front of front wheels

Independent front suspension:

Independent front suspension

Independent front suspension

Safe-T-Plus steering stabilizer:

Safe-T-Plus steering stabilizer

Back of the generator:

Back of generator

A small void behind a front mudguard, with a junction box for the ground effect light strip:

A small void behind a front mudguard

Behind the front wheels, with air horns and generator exhaust:

Behind the front wheels, with air horns and generator exhaust

Under the basement storage bays:

Under basement storage bays

Under the wet bay, with hot and cold low point drains, Aqua-Hot coolant overflow, and Aqua-Hot exhaust:

Under wet bay, with hot and cold low point drains, Aqua-Hot coolant overflow, and Aqua-Hot exhaust

Under the wet bay, with my sewer outlet and the fresh water drain:

Under wet bay, with sewer outlet and fresh water drain

Rear wheels and engine area:

Rear wheels and engine area

A couple of techs inspecting the engine:

A couple of techs inspecting the engine

Oil pan, with a non-concerning minor leak:

Oil pan, with a non-concerning minor leak

Oil pan

The engine:



Allison transmission:

Allison transmission

Allison transmission

Allison transmission

Drive shaft; this piece was removed when our coach was towed back in 2023:

Transmission linkage

Other side of the transmission:

Other side of transmission

More engine bits:

More engine bits

More engine bits

More engine bits

More engine bits

More engine bits

Side radiator gearbox and fan:

Radiator gearbox

Radiator gearbox and fan

More engine bits

Rear of the engine:

Rear of engine

Finally, the rear of the coach:

Rear of coach


Polished and replaced exhaust tips

While in Red Bay wet got Steve Brooks, aka School Bus Steve to do a few repairs for us. He’s so-named as he uses an old school bus for his mobile RV service:

School Bus Steve

One minor fix was to polish the exhaust tips of our generator and Aqua-Hot system.

He was able to polish the generator exhaust nicely:

Generator exhaust tip

But the Aqua-Hot one was beyond hope (see it on the ground), so he replaced it:

Aqua-Hot exhaust tip

Much nicer!

Custom desk tweaks

While in Red Bay we got Cody Poores of Cody’s Custom Cabinets to do a few tweaks to the custom desk he previously built for us.

As a reminder, here’s the pull-out desktop he originally built. It was fine, but had a few things that bothered me:

Old desktop

Firstly, the front edge was flush with the cabinet below, making it harder to open, which also meant that when it was extended the desk chair would have to be on the edge of the carpet. Secondly, the ends of the sliders were exposed, which was untidy. Thirdly, the piece of Corian next to the desktop didn’t match the height of the others:

Old desktop

And lastly, the desktop was sloped towards the back:

Old desktop

He removed the old desktop and side piece, and had new ones made:

Removed desktop

The new desktop addresses all of those issues — it extends four inches in front of the cabinet, so is easier to pull out and the chair doesn’t have to go onto the slide carpet; it has a wider front to hide the slides, it isn’t angled, and it has a lip on the back to prevent things falling into the monitor lift area:

New desktop

Plus the piece to the right of the desktop now also matches better:

New desktop

The desk in use, with the monitor raised:


Much nicer.

Extra pantry shelf

While in Red Bay we had Cody Poores of Cody’s Custom Cabinets do a few tweaks for us. One was a minor tweak to a shelf in a bedroom cupboard, to reduce the size of the lip on it. Another was to add an extra shelf in the upper pull-out pantry next to our fridge.

Here’s the pantry drawer as it came from the factory:

Pantry shelves

Since we use it mostly for cans, there was enough room for another shelf. So Cody made one that matches the existing ones:

Pantry shelves

The extra storage capacity is very useful!

Girard replaced window awning

In December 2023 the big window awning on the passenger side of our coach broke; it slammed open when extending it, and wouldn’t retract anymore. We got it repaired when in Red Bay, Alabama (home of Tiffin) in March 2024; see this previous post about that issue and repair.

Unfortunately, that repair didn’t last; after a few months it started making clunking noises when extending, and wouldn’t automatically retract. We could still use it, as I could push it back up and it’d stay retracted, but it wasn’t ideal.

So we made an appointment for when we were back in Red Bay in December with the Girard Awning Service Center next to Red Bay Acres (where we were staying), and got them to install a replacement.

Since the old awning was from a different manufacturer, they needed to do a few adjustments. They filled the holes from the old awning mounting with rivets, and painted them, after the old awning was removed (look closely just below the black slide topper rail):

Old awning removed

Old awning removed

Here’s the new window awning installed:

New window awning

Painted rivets from the old awning arm mount; not an entirely tidy paint job, but only visible in certain light:

New window awning

The left side is a bit tidier:

New window awning

They added an extra cord bracket (used to hold the awning open); they asked if we wanted to remove the old one, but we said it’s fine to leave it; we could use it to have a shallower angle. The lower one is the new one:

Extra bracket

The new awning open:

New window awning

New window awning

New window awning

Definitely a nicer product. We did consider replacing the two on the driver side too, so they’d match. But they are still functional, and it wouldn’t be cheap, so we decided to leave them as-is.

Humidifier and water distiller

Back to our regularly scheduled blog posts, with RV modifications on Mondays, travel on Tuesdays, campgrounds on Wednesdays, and attractions on Thursdays and Fridays.

When staying in deserts or other places with low humidity, we use a humidifier to make us more comfortable. It lives on our bathroom counter (or stored in the closet when in more humid places):


It is important to only use distilled water with the humidifier, to avoid greasy steam. For a long while we purchased jugs of distilled water from grocery stores, but that gets expensive and a hassle after a while.

So we later bought a water distiller to take tap water and distill it:


We fill this with tap water, and it effectively boils it and captures the evaporation as distilled water, dripping it into a jug, that we can then pour into the humidifier. It takes about three hours to make a jug of water, but it has a timer to turn it off when it’s done, leaving a little water in the bottom to make it easier to clean up. One jug per day is enough to be able to keep the humidifier running all day.

We’d rather be in places with a comfortable level of humidity, but we do enjoy deserts, and would rather too low humidity than too high (and yes, we do have a dehumidifier for such places too). It’s good to have tools to be able to make such places more comfortable.

2024 modifications

Happy New Year! 🎉

As we begin 2025, let’s look back at 2024, as is my tradition on this blog.

I will have a series of blog posts reviewing topics from last year. I schedule my posts following a pattern: Modification Mondays, Travel Tuesdays, Whereabouts Wednesdays, and To and Fro Thursdays and Fridays (okay, those last ones are bit of a stretch). So I will post my annual summaries in that order too (though not on those days), starting with modifications today.

We have done a number of modifications to our 2017 Tiffin Allegro Bus 40SP motorhome, to make it more comfortable as a full-time home, to improve the features, or to repair issues. This is a summary of some of the changes done in 2024; also check out the changes from 2023, 2022, and 2021.

For each modification topic I include a link to the corresponding blog post, and a sample picture; see the post for details. (Tip: you can click or tap on either the link or picture to go to the corresponding post.)

You can see all of the modification-related blog posts via the modifications category, with the earliest posts at the top, or the latest posts at the top.

Garbage bin hanging on back of driver chair:

Garbage bin

Steering wheel cover:

Steering wheel with cover

Replacing cover on light under sink:


Extra shelving:

Cupboards after adding shelves

Replacing window valances:

Window valance

Cockpit carpet:

Cockpit carpet

Tweaks at Davidson RV:

Water pump

Fixing TV lift:

New controller

Roof AC inspection:

Cherry picker

Engine compartment insulation:

Engine insulation

New tires:

New tires

Photographic artwork:


Replacing solar fuse with breaker:

Completed breaker and controller

Refilling our fresh tank with a water bladder and pump:

Water bladder

Using a sewer tote tank and macerator pump to dump waste tanks from the back of our truck:

Dumping from tank in truck

Replacing the cabin air filter:

Cabin air filter

MagSafe charger on bedroom wall:

MagSafe charger

Replaced shower rain head:

New shower head

Sewer hose closure:

Sewer pipes

Window awning repair:

Window awning

Windshield leak repair:

1st Class Glass

Tiffin parts store:

Parts shop

Easy reach awning opener:

Easy reach awning opener

Replaced SeeLeveL II panel:

SeeLeveL II panel

Barrier cushions:

Barrier cushion

Roofline seal repair:

Our coach

Entry door repairs:

Replacing latch

Slide glide replacement:

Jack under slide

Replacing controller for Tecma macerating toilet:

Re-installed macerator

Kenwood DNR1008RVS GPS receiver:


NIRVC annual servicing:

Coach raised up

Custom desk:

Work setup

Custom couch side tables:

Side table

Integrating water filters and softener into the coach, and more:

Backflushing configuration

The best hose quick connectors:

Eley quick connects

RV tank cleaning:

RV tank cleaning

RV headlight polishing:

Polishing headlight

Shower shelf bar:

Shower shelf bar

Using a filter canister to help sanitize the coach water systems:

Filter canister

You should vacuum out under the fridge occasionally:


Dumping waste tanks into house septic system:


Replacing pump connections with Wago lever nuts:


Velvet flocking liner for shelves:

Felt liner

How to prevent the auto-generator start (AGS) from turning off when manually starting the generator:

AGS Mode: Other

Rechargeable motion lights:


Towel rails:

Towel rails

I hope you found these posts interesting and useful.