Our next national park was the Joshua Tree National Park, conveniently north of our campground in Indio, California: about an hour to the west entrance (where we went in), and half an hour from the south entrance (where we came out).
While exploring the park, we tried something new: we listened to a narrated self-driving tour of the park, using an app called Action Tour Guide that worked offline (good thing, since there was no cell service in much of the park), using the phone’s GPS to track our location on a map, and play narration clips when we reached certain points. That was a nice addition to our tour, pointing out interesting places to stop, and telling stories about the history of the area, so we’ll probably do that for other places too.
Joshua Tree National Park Visitor Center sign:

Joshua Tree info in the visitor center:

Joshua Tree National Park sign, with people posing in front of it, and a long line of cars to get in:

It was nice that when we got near the entrance station, they were waving people with National Park passes into a bypass lane.
But a tip for anyone visiting: there would have been no line at the south entrance; much fewer people over that side of the park, but also less to see for quite a while.
Joshua trees alongside the road:

We stopped at the Quail Springs picnic area for lunch. Here’s our truck by a big rock:


Joshua trees:

Rock and the bench where we had a picnic lunch; if you look closely you’ll see someone rappelling down the left side:

More interesting rock formations:

Jenn on a rock:


Desert plants:

A view of Coachella Valley from Keys View; our coach was in Indio, which is near the center of this picture, in the valley:

Selfie (or “usie”):

Info sign:

Coachella Valley:

Road through the desert:

Joshua tree:

Cap Rock:

More interesting rocks near the road:

We took a detour onto a dirt road (Desert Queen Mine Road):

Probably my favorite picture of Joshua trees:


We walked along a trail for a short distance, to see more interesting things:

A couple of pictures of me, taken by Jenn:

Me taking a picture of Jenn taking a selfie (a “youie”?):


More desert plants:

Skull Rock:




Desert plants:


Leaving the park via the south road:

Bonus; after leaving the park, we saw some hot air balloons in the sky: