Yellowstone trip day 8, to Jim & Mary’s RV Park

On day eight of our Yellowstone trip, we started the two-day journey home from the park.

Here’s the west gate of Yellowstone National Park, on the way out:

Yellowstone west gate

As usual for a morning, the traffic was backed up almost all the way through the town of West Yellowstone; glad we weren’t going that way (a tip for anyone going into Yellowstone: go in the afternoon):


Our next stop was at Jim & Mary’s RV Park in Missoula, MT; here the map:

Jim & Mary's RV Park map

The rental trailer and our truck in the campsite:

Trailer and truck

This park has delightful landscaping; each site has a large grassy area and a little garden with unique decorations; here was our one:


Our site was on the end of a row, so had extra landscaping on the other side:



Across the driveway, more landscaping:



But as nice as the landscaping was, after a week in Yellowstone without a functioning shower, one of the main attractions of this campground was a shower facility:


We’ll definitely stay at this campground again in the future.