
An issue with our coach that I caused: back in the homestead we had a sturdy gas cooktop, so I’d bang a spoon on a pot to dislodge stuck food. Well, it turns out that glass induction cooktops are a bit more sensitive than I’m used to; the very first time I used it, and banged as usual, it stopped working. Who knew? Oops!

So, I purchased a replacement cooktop (the same kind, albeit new), and yesterday I swapped them out.

Here’s the old cooktop after being pried out (with the DishDrawer dishwasher visible below):

Removed cooktop

The new cooktop:

New cooktop

The bottom; it just plugs in to an outlet under the kitchen counter:

New cooktop bottom

The new cooktop installed:

New cooktop

The cover restored and label removed; all done:

New cooktop

I’ll try to remember not to bang on this one!

One thought on “Cooktop

  1. Pingback: David Sinclair

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