Travel from Taos to Albuquerque, New Mexico

We drove our coach 122 miles, about 3 hours of driving, from Taos, New Mexico to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to attend the 50th annual balloon fiesta.

The map route, heading south:

Map route

It had rained, so when we brought the slide-outs in, water poured off. I generally prefer to not be standing under that when that happens:

Water pouring off slide

Leaving the RV park:

Leaving RV park

An interesting round shave ice cart:

Shave ice cart

Adobe buildings:

Adobe buildings

Adobe buildings


Rio Grande gorge:

Rio Grande gorge

Another circular shave ice cart:

Another shave ice cart



Rockfall fences:

Rockfall fences

Old gas pumps:

Old gas pumps

Rio Grande river:

Rio Grande river



Camel Rock:

Camel Rock

There was only one rest area on this route, but it was on the opposite side of the freeway:

Rest area on opposite side

So we exited after the rest area, and headed the other way to the rest area:

Round trip sign

Rest area

At the rest area; Paladin on the back of the passenger chair:

Rest area and Paladin







We went past the turnoff to the balloon fiesta to go to a T/A truck stop:

T/A truck stop

A bit over half a tank of diesel:


We also filled the DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid):


Then back towards Balloon Fiesta Park:

Balloon Fiesta Park sign

Balloon Fiesta VIP West sign:

Balloon Fiesta VIP West sign

Balloon Fiesta check in:

Balloon Fiesta check in

The truck following the coach, following a golf cart to our site:

Following coach