Carlsbad Caverns National Park

We visited Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southern New Mexico:

Carlsbad Caverns sign

The road to the visitor center:


We had a reservation for a ranger-led tour, so after checking in, we had a picnic lunch:


Back to the visitor center:

Visitor center

Bat artwork in the foyer:

Bat artwork

The ticketing area:


There are two ways down to the caverns: elevators, or the natural entrance. This time, we took the elevators. They lead to the underground rest stop, with food, swag, and bathrooms:

Underground rest area

We joined the ranger for our guided tour:

Ranger guide

He was a bit of a character, with multiple philosophy degrees. That definitely showed in his talks, with discussions of paradoxes and raising questions about the caverns.

The tour we went on was the King’s Palace tour (the only one offered currently). It gives access to caverns not open to the general public, via this gate:


Heading down:

Heading down

Heading down





The King’s Palace room:

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

The ranger passed around an old photo showing the room (sorry, not a great shot of it):

Old photo

Through a tunnel to the next room:


The Papoose Room:

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room

Papoose Room


The Queen’s Chamber:

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

Queen's Chamber

An actively dripping column; the ranger turned out the lights and we sat by this in total darkness for a few minutes, just listening to the dripping of the water:


A fossilized bat:

Fossilized bat

Queen's Chamber



Queen's Chamber


Back to King’s Palace, on the other side:

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace

Kings Palace


Green Lake

Green Lake

Green Lake (a small pool):

Green Lake

Green Lake

Green Lake

Heading up some stairs:



The end of the tour at the exit gate:


Looking down:

Looking down

Old stairs:

Old stairs

Old stairs

Looking down

Swiss cheese:

Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese

New York Skyline:

New York

New York

Info sign:

Info sign

Back at the underground rest stop:

Rest stop

Rest stop shop:

Rest stop shop




Another map:


Exit to elevators:

Exit to elevators



Heading up from 750 feet underground:

750 feet underground

The elevators debouch into the gift store, of course:

Gift store

Gift store

An impressive 3D map of the caverns:

Relief map

Relief map

Relief map

Relief map

Relief map

Relief map

Relief map

Jenn just hanging around:


Another gift shop and restaurant:

Gift shop and restaurant

Gift shop

Gotta have her pressed penny:

Pressed penny

Back outside the visitor center:

Visitor center