Travel from Marathon to Junction, Texas

We drove our coach 269 miles, about five hours of driving, from Marathon, Texas to Junction, Texas.

The map route, heading north then east:

Map route

Firstly, a video of retracting the front driver-side slide-out:

Our coach with the slides in, and the truck hooked up, ready to leave:

Coach and truck ready to leave

Paladin went straight down the steps, so I left the step cover open:

Paladin on steps

Some fairly barren hills; compare to later pictures:


Heading north:

Heading north

Roadworks; narrow lanes are a little disconcerting in a wide coach:


More roadworks:


Joining I-10 to head east:

Heading east onto I-10

Roadrunner mural:

Roadrunner mural

“Cud you not text and drive?” There were several amusing cow-themed billboards like this:

Cud you not text and drive?

Paladin still on the steps, enjoying the view out the cat window:

Paladin on steps

We stopped at a roadside picnic area for lunch:

Picnic area

Since the step cover was open, I hopped out to stretch my legs. Here’s an old stagecoach stop:

Old structure

Our coach:

Our coach

Paladin on the back of the couch during lunch:

Paladin on back of couch

An interesting mountain:

Interesting mountain


We stopped again, at a parking area (there are various kinds of stopping places: a rest stop has bathrooms, a picnic area has tables but no bathrooms, and a parking area doesn’t have any amenities… which is fine for us, being self-contained):

Parking area

Our coach:

Our coach

Road Ranger fuel stop:

Road Ranger fuel stop

There was both the Road Ranger truck stop and a Love’s fairly nearby; we would normally have gone for the Love’s, but the Open Roads app indicated that Road Ranger had a much better discounted fuel price:

Open Roads app


A river, and a lot more greenery; we’re out of the desert now:


Our exit:

Our exit

Our destination, Pecan Valley RV Park and Farm, nestled behind a pecan tree farm:

Pecan Valley RV Park and Farm

Pecan Valley RV Park and Farm

Pecan Valley RV Park and Farm



Guided to our site by the owners:

Guided to site

I started this post with a picture of our coach ready to leave; let’s end with our coach just arrived, before putting the slides out:

Our site