Travel from Palm Desert to Orange, California

We drove our coach 103 miles, about two hours of driving, from Palm Desert, California to Orange (Los Angeles), California.

Here’s the map route, heading west:


An interactive map of our route, with potential stops marked:

Leaving our site:

Leaving our site

Toading up:

Toading up

Toading up

Leaving the campground:

Leaving campground

Palm Springs overpass:

Palm Springs overpass

There were lots of yellow flowers below the wind turbines:

Wind turbines and yellow flowers

A stop at a rest area:

Rest area

A school bus next to us at the rest area:

School bus



Green hills:


Snowy mountains:

Snowy mountains



Castle Park theme park:

Castle Park theme park

Heavy traffic:


Green hills:

Green hills



Honda Center:

Honda Center

Our destination, Orangeland RV Park:

Orangeland RV Park

Orangeland RV Park

Guided to our site by a guy on a Segway; the site was that empty one on the left, but we needed to loop around the block to get into it:

Orangeland RV Park

Going the wrong way, and crossing grass, to pull through into our site:

Orangeland RV Park