Replaced chassis batteries and more at Oregon Motorcoach Center

We had a service appointment at Oregon Motorcoach Center in Eugene, Oregon:

Oregon Motorcoach Center

Several other Tiffins being serviced, which (along with our previous experience here) helps gives us confidence that they know what they’re doing:

Several other Tiffins

Waiting room:

Waiting room

Waiting room

We had them replace our engine air filter, an important annual maintenance item. Plus got them to fix a noise with our driver-side bedroom slide-out.

Lastly, we got them to replace our chassis batteries, as they weren’t holding their charge well. Our original batteries:

Original chassis batteries

New batteries (and nicely cleaned out):

New chassis batteries

Once done, they moved our coach so we could hook up our truck:

Moving our coach

Preparing to toad up

A nice easy half-day service visit.