Travel from Albuquerque to Santa Rosa, New Mexico

We drove our coach 100 miles, about 2 hours of driving, from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Santa Rosa, New Mexico, after the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. We were on our way to Tucumcari, New Mexico, but got stuck at the Anton Chico Rest Area, eastbound on I-40, due to a seized brake (see the previous post for details).

Here’s a map showing our route, heading east:


An interactive map:

Leaving the Balloon Fiesta:

Leaving the Balloon Fiesta

Police horses:


Bye Fiesta!

Leaving the Balloon Fiesta

Aggressive lane markers and trees:

Aggressive lane markers and trees

Exit to I-40 east to Santa Rosa… we didn’t know we wouldn’t get quite that far:

Exit to I-40 east to Santa Rosa

An overpass:


Metal artwork on the hill:






I-40 is a rather rough road:

Rough road

Rough road

A castle at McCall’s Pumpkin Patch in Moriarty, New Mexico:


Fun with maximum zoom:

Fun with zoom

Uh oh, a high temperature warning on the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS):

High temperature on TPMS

These can sometimes be misreads, but need to be taken seriously.

Clines Corners:

Clines Corners

Flying C Ranch billboards:

Flying C Ranch billboards

We weren’t going to stop at Flying C Ranch, but that TPMS warning was persisting, so we thought we’d better stop and let it cool off:

Our coach at Flying C Ranch

Inside Flying C Ranch:

Flying C Ranch

We went to the DQ inside for a snack:


DQ Blizzard snack

An old pickup:

Old pickup

The TPMS had cooled off, so we continued, but it got high again, so we pulled off at the next rest area:

High temperature on TPMS

Even after parking, the temperature continued to rise into the danger zone, which indicated a serious issue:

High temperature on TPMS

That was about the maximum; after that it cooled off, dropping about 1 degree per minute.

And thus began our unexpected stay at the rest stop:

Our coach at rest stop

More on that tomorrow.