Travel from Tucumcari, New Mexico to Amarillo, Texas

We drove our coach 99 miles, about 2 hours of driving, from Tucumcari, New Mexico to Amarillo, Texas.

Here’s a map showing our route, heading east:


An interactive map:

Leaving the campground (and taking out the trash):

Leaving campground

Heading to I-40 east:

Heading to I-40 east



Leaving New Mexico:

Leaving New Mexico

Texas state line:

Texas state line

Entering Central Time Zone:

Entering Central Time Zone

Welcome to Texas:

Welcome to Texas

Rest stop:

Rest stop

Fuel stop:

Fuel stop

$321 of diesel:


Roadworks blocked our access to the campground; we had to detour through the Loves truck stop:


And duck between cones:

Duck between cones

Our destination:

Our destination

Oasis RV:

Oasis RV

Oasis RV

Our site:

Our site