Travel from Russellville to Hot Springs, Arkansas

We drove our coach 128 miles, about 2 hours of driving, from Russellville, Arkansas to Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Here’s a map showing our route, heading east then south then west:


An interactive map of our route:

We had planned to take a more direct but curvier highway route, below, but it was raining heavily, so opted for the slightly longer but safer Interstate route, above:

Rain off the slide topper:

Rain off slide topper

A bit flooded next to the wet bay:


After bringing in the slides, there were a bunch of leaves on the topper:

Leaves on slide topper

Our truck hooked up to our coach; the tow bar lit up:

Tow bar with lights



We saw a new icon on the Mobileye guidance system, which I had to look up; a little yellow eyeball, indicating that the device had low visibility:

Mobileye icon

Unsurprising, since it was rather rainy and foggy:

Rainy and foggy

Low visibility

The name “Toad Suck” amuses us:

Toad Suck

A break at some truck parking:

Truck parking

Breathe in:

Truck parking

Fuel stop:

Fuel stop

A stop we regretted, as we didn’t get the advertised fuel discount, and the pump limited us to 35 gallons, so we did three transactions:






Our destination:

Our destination

Our coach about to back in to our site:

Our coach

Our site