Travel from Cape Charles, Virginia to Georgetown, Delaware

We drove our coach 132 miles, about three hours of driving, from Cape Charles, Virginia to Georgetown, Delaware. Yet another new state.

Here’s a map showing our route, heading north:

Route map

An interactive map:

Preparing to toad up:

Preparing to toad up

The campground emptied out after the weekend:

Campground emptied out

Route 13 North:

Route 13 North

Royal Farms fuel stop:

Royal Farms fuel stop

Royal Farms fuel stop

They limited the pump to $125, so we had to do two transactions to fill up, as our 150 gallon tank was about half full:

Royal Farms fuel stop

Paladin on the passenger chair:


Maryland Welcomes You:

Maryland Welcomes You

A rest area stop:

Rest area

Rest area

“Urban area, stay alert”:

Urban area, stay alert

Welcome to Delaware:

Welcome to Delaware

An accident:


Millsboro, Delaware:

Millsboro, Delaware

Our destination:

Our destination

Our destination

Our destination

Our destination