Travel from Manassas, Virginia to Hanover, Pennsylvania

We drove our coach 102 miles, about two hours of driving, from Manassas, Virginia to Hanover, Pennsylvania. This was a last-minute change to our route, to avoid spending the weekend at NIRVC, and so we could pick up another state.

Here’s a map showing our route, heading north:

Route map

An interactive map:





Narrow lanes:

Narrow lanes

Fun with zoom:

Fun with zoom

Maryland Welcomes You:

Maryland Welcomes You

Fun with zoom

Exit to Damascus:

Exit to Damascus

Water tower:

Water tower

Interesting tower:

Interesting tower

Westminster, Maryland:

Westminster, Maryland

Westminster, Maryland

Some kids on the side of the road waved and signaled to blow our air horn; Jenn obliged them, and they jumped with joy (see it in the video from today):


Mason-Dixon Line:

Mason-Dixon Line

Welcome to Pennsylvania:

Welcome to Pennsylvania

Fun with zoom:

Fun with zoom

A little narrow:

A little narrow

“Sorry your GPS is wrong”; one of our GPSes did say to go through this driveway as if it were a road, but fortunately I check our route quite carefully, so I knew about it ahead of time:

Sorry your GPS is wrong

Lots of distinctive Pennsylvania barns like this in the area:


Entering the state park, “campers next left”:

Campers next left

Camper check-in:

Camper check-in

We untoaded in the dump station:

Dump station

Following the coach to our site:

Following coach

Our site, rather unlevel:

Our site